Dubai is the best performing digital government in the world, ranking first in the Arab World and fifth overall

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Dubai placed first in the Arab world and fifth overall in the Local Government Online Services Index 2022. (LOSI).

The poll, which the UN published as part of its Digital Government Report, represents the organization’s evaluation of the level of digital government in all 193 of its independent member nations.

The report uses a combination of primary and secondary data gathered from various UN agencies, according to its website, to rank countries. It is founded on more than 20 years of longitudinal study. (Dubai)

In accordance with a tweet from Dubai’s Crown Prince Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the city also tops the world rankings for institutional structure, digital services, and content standards.

The LOSI’s 2022 version has 86 indicators that are related to five criteria:

Institutional framework: The institutional framework includes the municipal e-government plan, the organizational structure, the laws governing privacy and information access, and the open data policy.

Content availability: the accessibility of key public resources and information online.

Delivery of services: emphasizing the accessibility and provision of specific government services

Participation and engagement: identifying the existence of communication channels and programs, as well as chances for citizen involvement in regional governing systems.

Technology: concentrating on the technical aspects of making the site and content available to users. Accessibility, functionality, dependability, ease of navigation, visual appeal, and alignment with technology standards are all indicators.

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